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Take part in creating a better Arizona! 

If you believe all registered voters and all candidates deserve to be treated equally, and that all taxpayers deserve a say in the elections they pay for you're in the right spot! This is your chance to join our growing team as we aim to bring open primaries to Arizona!  

Already a volunteer? Find helpful resources here! 

Ways to get involved 

Right now we are collecting signatures to qualify the Make Elections Fair initiative for the November 2024 ballot! To get on the ballot we will need 383,923 valid signatures. This is a big weight to carry on our own so we need all of the help we can get from volunteers! Here are a few ways you can contribute: 

383,000+ signatures is a lot! Every signature counts! If you haven't already please consider signing our petition! Click the button below to see all the locations where we plan to have someone available with a petition for you to sign. 

Already added your name to the list of supporters and looking to do more?! Consider circulating a petition for us. Gather signatures from neighbors, friends, and family members. Let us know if you're interested in circulating a petition, and we'll provide you with all the necessary resources for success! Click the button to learn more about getting involved in this capacity!

Unable to gather signatures? Don't worry! There are other valuable ways you can assist us. One option is to serve as a Make Elections Fair AZ hub, distributing petitions to volunteers from a location of your choice. Simply provide volunteers with petitions and collect them once completed. You can host volunteers at your home, office, or arrange to meet them in your neighborhood. We'll provide you with a form to track distributed petitions and assist with follow-ups to retrieve signed petitions. To find out more about becoming a hub, click the button below.

Attend our events!  Whether it's our monthly coffee club, training sessions, or if you'd like us to speak to your group, let us know by clicking the button below.

Contributions play a pivotal role in fueling our campaign. The remarkable generosity of donors from Arizona has propelled us forward, but raising more funds enables us to expand voter outreach efforts. With increased resources, we can educate the public about the significant advantages of open primaries for Arizona.

statement of support
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